Wednesday 31 October 2007

Opening Sequence Analysis - Twisted Love

I think the music is one of the key points in this opening sequence. It creates such an atmosphere and anchors the sequence but at times seems to take over some shots, the audience really focuses on it as it plays throughout only being lowered at a few points. This clip doesnt really feel like thriller, as i think too much time is spent introducing the characters and the home, although the way they changed the still photographs to short clips was very inventive. There should have been a bit more given away to the audience about what has happened to Emily and why Tom is alone. I thought the way they faded the Emily lying on the floor with burning of the picture in the fire was very well done. The audience is left questioning what has happened and they have to guess what is going on. What really works well in the sequence is the way each shot moves fluidly from one to another. The shots aren't broken up by title scenes and the continuity editing is very good, they used matched cuts alot. Overall this sequence was ok but more could have been done to make the shot more thriller like maybe by following more conventions.

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